Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Aww, c'mon Mane!

A couple weeks ago the media world was abuzz as photos surfaced of "musician", Gucci Mane, sporting a brand new face tattoo.  Articles and blogs went back and forth on the current mental state of the "musician" given his recent arrests, incarceration, and short stint in a psychiatric hospital.  And while everyone weighed in on everything from the worst face tattoos in the industry to the future of his career given his recent exploits, all the writers ignored the most egregious behaviour carried out during this affair.  It was ignored by said writers because it was perpetrated by themselves.  Please! PLEASE! PLEASE! Stop referring to this guy as a fucking musician, you knucklefuckers.

Have any of you heard Lemonade?  Here, take your dick out and slap your ears in the face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Q4s_ZdvAQ 

See, it's not music.  At BEST, it's strip club confetti.  At worst, it is exactly what it is, the semi-retarded musings of what appears to be an obsessive shopper.  What 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' would have been like had it been directed by Johnny Dang. 

Apparently all it takes nowadays to earn the label of musician is a pen to sign your contract, a PR person to advise you on what designer to wear, and an asshole on your face to squirt audio-shit onto disk.  So he got an ice cream cone tattooed on his face.  Big deal.  It's obvious he did it to stand out in a flooded industry where everything sounds the same.  Well, that and because he's bat-shit crazy.  If the press likes the insane so much, why not find moderately talented ones?  Why not do a story on Big Seth, the guitar playing busker that frequented the liquor store I worked at for years?  The guy had an amazing voice and wrote heady, street songs about living on the run.  He was like Tracy Chapman, but white and handsy.  Oh, and he had a tattoo on his calf that said, "Fuck Sausage Teeth".  Brilliant!  At least he created something somewhat interesting. 

In the end, tattoo everything on your body.  Who fucking cares?  We're pretty much the animal equivalent of a useless, office document.  Why not have the shitty clip art to go with it?  But please, reserve assigning the brand of musician to someone who puts some effort into their sound.

1 comment:

  1. I would rather ram my head into the side of a wall then saturate my ears with all this horse shit rubbish people call music nowadays. Record labels cant find any good musicians so they try to get actors or clowns like Gucci Mane to sing some shitty lyrics over fuckin casio tones.
